Friday, July 13, 2018


1. JEREMY AND THE KIDS – Thanks so much for praying for Jeremy and the custody situation! God has worked in amazing ways! After we sent out the ‘brief update’ asking for prayer, Jillian and Jeremy met on July 11th and came to an agreement regarding the custody of the children, so they no longer need to go to court regarding this issue in September! Praise the Lord! Do continue to keep Jeremy in your prayers, though. The divorce is still not finalized.

2. HEART CATHETERIZATION – Thanks so much for your prayers regarding my (Mickey’s) heart catheterization on July 11. In the days prior to the test, God provided peace for me. In fact, instead of fearing the procedure, I was actually eagerly anticipating it! After the procedure, the doctor gave us the good news: the blood vessels look great and there is no blockage! Praise the Lord! However, we still don’t know the cause of my symptoms, so the doctor has ordered a new kind of heart monitor that I will wear for 7 days (if insurance approves). Pray for a clear, accurate diagnosis.

3. KARAO NEW TESTAMENT PROJECT – Thanks for your prayers for our colleague, Sherri, as she works to revise the Karao New Testament. God has provided a capable Karao speaker to help Sherri with the revision on a consistent basis, and her original helper has also returned to the village and helps as needed. Praise the Lord! Pray for this team as they work to get God’s Word ready to be published and into the hands of the people.

1. ONLINE FACILITATION - Thank you for your prayers for me (Al) as I facilitate a risk assessment and risk management plan for a new project that is being developed. This assessment, involving 12 individuals (in several different countries and time zones) representing six organizations, began on July 10 via internet video conferencing and is going very well so far. We will have two more sessions (July 13 and 16), so we value your continued prayers for good internet connections, good participation in the sessions, and results that will serve well as this new outreach is put into practice. I’m already hearing from those that are participating in (and will use the results of) these sessions, that they are pleased and thankful for this project.

2. TRAVEL TO THAILAND – Preparations are going well for my (Al’s) trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand on July 20 to join in a conference for one of the groups working in a nearby country. I have been asked to provide some individual training during this time with them, as well as to provide a presentation to the whole group on how to handle a particularly risk-prone situation that this group faces. I have also been asked to stop in Bangkok for a day to conduct a facility risk assessment at a location that has been chosen for a
conference in October. I’m looking forward to having these days to work with this team in individual and group sessions. Please pray for safety in travel and good interactions with these precious people.

3. COUPLES IN CRISIS – Thanks for your prayers for these couples. We see glimpses of God at work. Pray for wisdom for the counselors they are (or soon will be) seeing regarding their troubled marriages. Pray that these individuals would be drawn closer to Christ and to each other, and be open to working hard to restore their marriages.

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