Monday, November 21, 2016

Al & Mickey Williams' November Praise Bulletin

Thanks so much for your prayers for our SIL colleagues and the Bantoanons as they made an audio recording of Genesis and Exodus in the Bantoanon language and then recorded some hymns, choruses and praise songs in the language, too. The recording is finished – thanks to your prayers! One of our colleagues (the recording technician for the project) sent us the following: "This big [snake] (about 8' long) decided to come into the house where we were staying for the recording of Genesis and Exodus and songs. After a frantic call to the landlord and his arrival with his 9mm pistol, this guy was history with two perfect shots. Amazing! Only later did we discover that it was a King Cobra!!! Wow, thank you Lord for your protection!”

Our SIL colleagues, Andrew and Melissa, began showing the Jesus Film (that they helped to dub into the Ivatan language) to the people on the islands of Batanes in the northern Philippines. Praise God for good weather for the outdoor showings for four out of the five nights so far. Continue to pray for good weather, good health, and a powerful working of God’s Spirit in the hearts of the Ivatan people through this film and the Ivatan Scriptures. And praise God super typhoon Haima did not hit Batanes last month! 

Al and I had an enjoyable time on Nov. 5 and 6 as we participated in the missions conference at Reformed Baptist Church in Lewisburg, PA. We had never been to this church before, so it was lots of fun meeting the folks and getting to be a part of their lives over the weekend.

This two-day session in early November was attended by 25 people with assignments from several areas around the world. It was a good opportunity for me (Al) to work with three other trainers I have not worked with before. I trust that the security issues presented will aid each one of these 25 as they soon leave to begin or return to their overseas assignments. 

Thanks so much for your prayers for wisdom for me regarding the cause of my dizziness in recent months. Over the years, I’ve had many medical tests that have shown me several reasons why I might be dizzy at any given time. But after our last letter went out and some of you began to pray, the Lord prompted me to do some basic things that seem to have helped lessen my dizziness: drink more water throughout the day, eat less salt, and get more rest. Thanks for praying!

Typesetting of the Bantoanon New Testament (including Genesis and Exodus) has begun and the enemy seems intent on stopping it. Heather (the Bible translator) has been having problems with her computer and the Internet / email that she needs for sending the Scripture files to the typesetter and communicating with her throughout the typesetting process. Pray for God’s protection over the equipment and the people involved in this important project.

One of our colleagues, JoAnn, translated the New Testament for a people group in the Philippines that has been very resistant to the Gospel. Praise the Lord there are close to 200 believers now, and several groups that meet on a regular basis for fellowship. But in the past year or so there have been 22 deaths and over 40 hospitalizations among the believers or their family members, one right after another. This is emotionally and physically draining for JoAnn and our Filipino brothers and sisters, yet many new seekers have joined the two fellowships that have suffered most of the deaths. Please pray for God’s strength, encouragement, and protection for them so they can endure and the devil will not get the upper hand.

We are deeply grateful to the Lord for all who have been part of our ministry with Wycliffe during the past 32 years, but many of our faithful supporters are no longer able to be part of our team financially. In the past two months alone, two of our original prayer and financial partners were “promoted” to Heaven and another one is in the hospital in critical condition. With over 1,800 language groups still waiting for God’s Word in their language, we want to continue serving the work of Bible translation as long as we can. If God puts it on your heart to ‘fill in the gap’ for those who are no longer able to help us, let us know and see below for details. God bless you!

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